Meeting Space
The Warren County Memorial Library has a large community room and smaller study room available for use by appointment. To schedule call the library during regular business hours, sign up online, or download the Request Form below and drop it by library.
Meeting Room Policy and Form
Downloadable Policy and Form
Downloadable Policy information: Meeting Room Policy
Downloadble Reservation Form: Meeting Room Form
Online Signup Form
General Policy
Warren County Memorial Library maintains meeting space in the Community Meeting Room for cultural, educational, and civic programming for the citizens of Warren County. The meeting room is intended primarily for library, county, civic and community programs and meetings of interest to the general public.
Who May Use
Meeting Space may be reserved for use by educational, civic, cultural and governmental groups for educational, civic, cultural, and governmental activities. Private organizations may also be allowed to use the meeting space for educational meetings open to the public. Committees or associations affiliated with one or more churches will be allowed the use of meeting space for business meetings when no religious services are involved.
Limits for Use
Meeting space may not be reserved for religious services. During non-library sponsored programs, sale of goods and other activities which would result in financial gain are not allowed.
Meeting Space Fees
Groups reserving the meeting room for educational and training purposes for which a fee is charged will be assessed a fee.
Priority of Use
Priority is given to public library programs. Agencies of the county will receive first consideration in scheduling events to be conducted in the meeting space. Booking of meeting space by other entities shall be on a first come, first serve basis. Meeting space may not be reserved more than 45 days in advance. More than one meeting during this period may be reserved at one time at the discretion of the library management. Meeting space is not available as a regular base of operation by any club or organization, unless library related.
Reserving the Meeting Room
Before reserving a meeting space, a Meeting Room Use Agreement must be completed and signed. A request for the use of meeting space should be made in advance to the library staff. Only adults may reserve the meeting space. Adult supervision and responsibility is required for events designed primarily for children. Use of the meeting room must comply with local fire and safety regulations. To reserve meeting room, the following information is needed:
- Name of organization
- Name and phone number of contact person
- Number of persons expected
- Date and time period meeting room is wanted
- Any special equipment needed
After hours use of the meeting room will conform to library procedures
Meeting Room Sign-up FormLiability
Anyone utilizing the meeting room assumes liability for any personal injury, damage or loss suffered during the period of the agreement.
Damage to Meeting Room
Anyone utilizing meeting space assumes all responsibility for damage or loss to Library’s facilities, equipment and property. The individual signing the Meeting Room Use Agreement will be held responsible for compensating Warren County for any and all such damages or losses. Library facilities may not be used for any activity which has a high potential for damage to the building or danger or physical harm to the persons present.
Food and Drink in the Meeting Room
Light refreshments, covered dish, and catered meal functions may be served in the meeting room. The group is responsible for leaving the meeting room and kitchenette area, if used, in the same clean and orderly condition it was found upon initially entering the facility. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in or on the Library premises. Groups or organizations will be held responsible for any damages, including cleaning of carpet if stained.
The Library is a tobacco-free building. Failure to comply may result in loss of meeting room privileges.
Meeting Space Set Up and Closing
Anyone reserving meeting space will be responsible for setting up the space. The meeting space must be returned to its original condition. Arrangements to use furniture or equipment other than library furniture or equipment should be made when the reservation is made. Meeting space must be secured upon leaving the premises.
Cancellation of Reservations
Anyone canceling a reservation for use of the meeting room should notify the library immediately. Failure to notify the library staff of cancellations may result in denial of future use of the meeting room.
Lost Key
If a key is lost, it must be reported to the library staff immediately. If a key is lost during an after-hours event, use the emergency contact information for the building. If the contact is unavailable, please contact local law enforcement. If a meeting space key is lost or not returned, the individual signing the Meeting Room Use Agreement will be held responsible for compensating Warren County the cost to install new locks and purchase new keys for the building.
Loss of Privilege
Further use of library meeting facility may be denied at the request of the Library Director, with the approval of the Warren County Board of Commissioners or its designee, to anyone who has violated the policies and procedures related to the use of the meeting room of the Warren County Memorial Library.
Library Endorsement
Permission to use the Warren County Memorial Library meeting space is not an endorsement of the group or the group’s beliefs by the library, library staff, the Warren County Board of Commissioners, or any other agency or department of Warren County government.