Color Your World
Take some time to relax and enjoy yourself while doing some coloring! We have coloring sheets for children and copies of adult coloring sheets for adults, no matter what age, you’re invited to come color with us!
Family Game Night
Visit the library for a night of fun, games, and laughter. The table is set and the games are ready! The whole community is invited, so stop on by.
WCML 100 Year Celebration: A Century of Reading
Charlie Cart Program: Spices and You @ 12:00pm State of the Library Panel @ 3:30pm The Pagemaster (G) Movie Viewing @ 5:00pm Celebrate Warren County Memorial Library’s 100th anniversary with a day of fun! We will begin with a cooking class focused on the wonderful world of spices led by Shemecka McNeil of Slice 325. […]
Video Game Club
September 4th @3:30pm September 11th @3:30pm
National Voter Registration Day
Make sure you are registered to vote in the upcoming November elections! Visit the library to pick up a voter registration form, absentee voter form, and learn how to make […]
Reading and Relaxing
Stop by for some fun as Ky’el reads some of your favorite books - new and old - duringthis traditional, in-person story time. September 10th @10:30am - (The Cat in the Hat)September 17th @10:30am - (The Best Nest)
A Novel Taste: Chapters & Charcuterie Club
Are you a book lover looking to connect with other like-minded readers? Join us for an evening of engaging discussions and delightful bites at our "Books and Charcuterie" book club. […]
Kickin’ with Ky’el
Enjoy fun, games, music, and activities for kids! Come join us for some movin’ and groovin’. September 12th @11:30am - (Musical Chairs)September 19th @11:30am - (Heads Down, Thumbs Up)
Comic Book Club
Like comic books? Visit the Comic Book Club and talk about your favorite series! Whether you enjoyBatman or Captain Underpants, all kids are welcome to join in on the conversation […]