Library Movie Matinee
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. III (PG-13) 2h 29m runtimeShown in the Library’s Community Room.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. III (PG-13) 2h 29m runtimeShown in the Library’s Community Room.
May 14th @ 1:00pm - Grades K-2nd May 14th @ 2:00pm - Grades 3-5 Joan Holub is the New York Times bestselling author of Mighty Dads. She is also the […]
WCML is an award recipient for a special grant for accessible small and rural communities from Libraries Transforming Communities. Join us for a conversation on how to best meet our community's needs within our library. Accessibility needs range from language barriers, to physical disability, to mental health—and we want your input! This hour-long session with […]
May 6th @ 3:30pm (Mystery Draft) May 20th @ 3:30pm (Anime Rock, Paper, Scissors)
Informational Program: May 21st @ 5:30pm Exhibit on Display: April 15th - June 28th Is race biological? Cultural? Can we observe truths, misconceptions, and histories through a scientific lens? Join us for an informational session and conversation led by local community ambassadors. This exhibit was originally developed in 2007 by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) […]
Watch episodes on our Facebook page!May 11th @10:30am (Pete the Cat and the Space Chase)May 18th @10:30am (Pete the Kitty and the Three Bears)May 25th @10:30am (Rex Finds an Egg)
Stop by for some fun as Ky’el reads some of your favorite books - new and old - duringthis traditional, in-person story time.May 7th @10:30am (Bear Hugs from Brown Bear and Friends)May 21st @10:30am (Where’s the Bunny?)May 28th @10:30am (Can You Dance Like a Peacock?)
Want to develop better eating habits and build a healthier, more holistic lifestyle? Working Landscapes will lead cooking demonstrations as part of our new Charlie Cart Project, funded by Triangle North Healthcare Foundation. Reserve your spot at the circulation desk today!
Want to develop better eating habits and build a healthier, more holistic lifestyle? Working Landscapes will lead cooking demonstrations as part of our new Charlie Cart Project, funded by Triangle North Healthcare Foundation. Reserve your spot at the circulation desk today!
May 15th @3:30pm May 29th @3:30pm