Expressions with Color
Explore your creativity with this activity where children are invited to stop by and use their imaginations and a world of available colors to make art that is uniquely them!
Tech Time: 1-on-1 Assistance
Stop by the library on Wednesdays between noon and two for 1-on-1 assistance with what you would like to learn. Library staff will guide you through using library computers or your own tech so that you can accomplish your goals.
Movie Matinees
February 20th @ 12:30pmThe Immortal Life of Henrieta Lacks (NR) - 1 Hour 33 Minutes Runtime February 28th @ 12:30pmThe Forge (PG) - 2 Hour 3 Minutes Runtime
Read Across America – Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Seuss
March 3rd: Cat in the Hat Film Viewing (PG) @ 1:00pm - 2:30pm March 3rd - March 8th: Virtual Dr. Seuss Storytimes, Posted of Facebook @ 1:00pm Read Across America is a nationwide celebration of reading that takes place annually, starting on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Stop by the library on Monday, […]
Anime & Manga Book Club
March 3rd @ 3:30pm (Mystery Draft)
“Piece” of Mind
People of all ages are invited to relax with puzzles at the library. Collaborate with other attendees to put together puzzles or just solve a small one on your own!
Mix N’ Gloss with Vanita Henderson, MUA!
$5 Registration Fee Required A fun and interactive experience during which participants can unleash their creativity and learn the art of making lip gloss and building a business. Lip gloss kit, a package on building your business, and a certificate of completion are included with your registration. Space is limited, so register while seats last […]
Fun with Improv
March 18th @4:00pm
A Novel Taste: Chapters & Charcuterie Club
Are you a book lover looking to connect with other likeminded readers? Join us for an evening of engaging discussions and delightful bites at our "Books and Charcuterie" book club. […]