Movie Matinees
January 10th @ 1:30pmUp (PG) 1 Hour 36 Minutes Runme January 24th @ 1:30pmCoco (PG) 1 Hour 45 Minutes Runme
January 10th @ 1:30pmUp (PG) 1 Hour 36 Minutes Runme January 24th @ 1:30pmCoco (PG) 1 Hour 45 Minutes Runme
Watch episodes on our Facebook page! January 11th @10:30am(Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones) January 18th @10:30am(Maxine Gets a Job) January 25th @10:30am(Whose Toes are Those?)
January 6th @ 3:30pm (Anime Improv) January 27th @ 3:30pm (Who Am I?)
Stop by for some fun as Ky’el reads some of your favorite books - new and old - duringthis traditional, in-person story time. January 14th @10:30am(Clyde Takes a Bite Out of Life) January 21st @10:30am(The Pie Reports) January 28th @10:30am(Mama’s Chickens)
Seniors, or anyone else that wants to improve their skills in using technology, stop by the library on Wednesdays between noon and two for 1-on-1 assistance with what you would like to learn. Library staff will assist and guide you through using library computers or your own tech so that you can accomplish your goals.
January 15th @3:30pm January 29th @3:30pm
Enjoy fun, games, music, and activities for kids!Come join us for some movin’ and groovin’. January 9th @11:30am(National Geographic - Let’s Make Music) January 30th @11:30am(Whose Knees Are These?)
Do you judge books by their covers? Try a blind date with a book! Take home one of these hidden books, knowing nothing about them. Will it be love at […]
People of all ages are invited to relax with puzzles at the library. Collaborate with other attendees to put together puzzles or just solve a small one on your own!
February 5th @3:30pm February 12th @3:30pm